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Laudato Si' is an encyclical (a letter) written by Pope Francis in June 2015 and addressed not only to all Catholics, but to everyone in the world. Laudato Si' - On the Care of our Common Home, is a real challenge to us all. Pope Francis teaches us that a right relationship with the Earth and the whole of creation is as much part of the Church's moral teaching as a right relationship with God and our neighbour. Laudato Si' urges us to change our lifestyle, to treat natire with respect, to be deeply aware of the interconnectedness of all God's creation and to live simply and without wastefulness.

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It is an opportunity for Catholic parishes to repond to Pope Francis' invitation in Laudato Si - On the Care for our Common Home to "work with generosity and tenderness in protecting this world which God has entrusted to us." Our parish has been recognised as a Live Simply parish. The Live Simply award was presented to us in the course of a special liturgy at Sunday Mass in January 2018. The award is given to communities who can show how they have been living:

  • simply

  • in solidarity with people in poverty

  • sustainably with creation.

Some parishes have encouraged people to walk or cycle to Church, install solar panels, start - or support - recycling schemes, join the climate change campaign, support Fairtrade, or donate to a local food bank. The Live Simply award celebrates what a parish has already done and inspires a parish to do more. It helps a community to live, not just more simply, but more fully.



We commit ourselves


  • To pray regularly for those who are disadvantaged and marginalised and to support with our prayers those organisations, local and international, who work with people in need.


  • To inform ourselves of the causes of poverty and to campaign for change in the light of what we have learned.


  • To continue and increase our financial support for the Advent and Lenten Parish Projects and for those organisations who work in our area with those in need.


  • To continue and increase our support for CAFOD, Christian Aid, Pax Christi and other organisations who work in the light of Catholic Social Teaching for a world of justice and peace.

  • To buy and encourage the use of fairly - traded goods, both as individuals and as a parish.


  • To support our sister Diocese of Bamenda in Cameroon by prayer and financial help.


  • To live as simply and sustainably as possible in our individual lives, recognising that we are stewards of God's Creation.


Loving Father, help us to share justly the good things that come from your loving hand; to bring peace and reconciliation where strife and disorder reign; to speak out for those who have no voice; and to rejoice in a bond of prayer and praise with our brothers and sisters throughout the world. This we ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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